AVRO offers full-time, part-time and evening studies to high school students as well as summer school, repeat courses, tutoring, travel-for-credit programs and counselling. AVRO Academy is inspected by the Ministry of Education and all programs adhere to the Ontario curriculum and all provincial criteria.
AVRO’s Academic calendar year is divided into four semesters of 8-10 weeks each. The AVRO semester is designed to support workload management and to ensure that learned material is fresh in the minds of students throughout the semester.
AVRO Academic programs enable students to navigate the rigorous academic challenges of Grades 10, 11, and 12, armed with an excellent education, the practical skills necessary for success after high school, and the ability to think independently, analytically, and critically.
Full-time students take a total of eight credits during the academic year, focusing on two or three credits per two-month semester. Successful completion of a credit requires 110 hours of planned learning, which is comprised of five two-hours each week. Students who demonstrate excellent progress and time-management may be eligible to take additional courses during the year.
School begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m.
Lunch is from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
AVRO students are expected to use the time outside of scheduled teaching for independent study, developing new interests, and positive self-development.
Each student is encouraged to attend the Wednesday Circle at 12:30 p.m. during which students and staff discuss relevant issues regarding the school and matters of interest.
Various activities are held throughout the year such as outdoor trips, lunch outings, education and recreational outings, multicultural events and birthdays.
AVRO’s part-time program allows students to take reduced course loads while remaining full-time students at their home schools, while offering the same small class size and individualized learning approach offered to our full-time students. Our teachers facilitate in-person and virtual classes with real-time, live teaching through Google Meet, and Google Classroom.
Please email registrar@avroacademy.com for more information and to check course availability.
AVRO offers personalized summer credits in small classes. Each credit runs one month in length and maximizes the learning experience, providing students with the opportunity to fast track or strengthen their knowledge base. Summer courses focus on Math, Science and English - all designed to positively engage students in the intensive, month-long experience.
Students can enroll in our summer program to complete a maximum of one (1) credit course, per term. The criteria for successful course completion is the same as stipulated by the Ontario curriculum requirements.
July 2-30, 2025
Monday - Friday, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Fee: $1800 per term incl. registration fee
August 5-29, 2025
Monday - Friday, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Fee: $1800 per term incl. registration fee
COURSES (based on interest & subject to change)
Civics & Careers 10
French 9-10 English 9-12
Math 9-12 Physics 11-12
Biology 11-12 Chemistry 11-12 Photography 11-12
Please email registrar@avroacademy.com for more information and to check availability.
Our 1:1 Private Study course option offers the regular course elements with the added benefit of exclusive 1:1 instruction, flexible scheduling, personalized assignment and curriculum to meet the student’s schedule, interests and learning style. If the student has not completed their work at the end of the scheduled class time, private study allows the option to extend the course. Friend groups of two, or three students may also enroll together for a small class ratio.
Please email registrar@avroacademy.com for more information and to check course availability.
This Grade 11 course is integrated into your CIT role while at camp, this course prepares you to act in leadership and peer support roles. You will design and implement a plan for contributing to your school and/or community; develop skills in communication, interpersonal relations, teamwork, and conflict management; and apply those skills in leadership and/or peer support roles – for example, as a student council member or a peer tutor. You will also examine group dynamics and learn the value of diversity within groups and communities. Ministry of Education Course code GPP30. This course has supports CITs and youth leadership at Camp Manitou. Camp Kodiak, Camp Robin Hood. Click to Learn More.
AVRO offers students the opportunity to repeat any high school credit with private or semi-private instruction. *Students are eligible to enrol in a repeat course only if they have previously completed the course.
Every student considered for our Therapeutic Program undergoes a thorough individual assessment by our Clinical Director to ensure the program is well-suited to their unique challenges. This process involves a series of one-on-one interviews with both the student and their family, enabling us to carefully evaluate and determine the appropriateness of placement in the program.
AVRO’s full-time academic program operates within a therapeutic environment, supporting students who have struggled in previous academic settings. Students attend AVRO for its supportive environment, helping them regain their educational footing.
AVRO offers confidential, non-stigmatizing support on a regular and as-needed basis. Experienced teachers and counselors foster positive social interactions and academic support, working with students to co-create individualized study programs, with parental involvement welcomed.
Many AVRO students have conditions such as high-functioning autism, learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, ADHD, or social anxieties, which have impacted their academic success. AVRO addresses both psychosocial and educational needs using tools like music and expressive arts therapy to enhance creativity and enjoyment in learning.
Our goal is to provide a comfortable haven where students' educational and emotional needs are met. During registration, a clinician interviews the student and family and reviews prior assessments to determine an appropriate study and treatment program.
AVRO offers a unique Travel for Credit program which provides students with an important opportunity to socialize, engage in physical activity, and learn. AVRO offers two Travel for Credit programs each year (March and August) during which students can earn one of several appropriately selected elective credits. Read about our March 2023 Trip to Ecuador.
AVRO’s travel credits are designed specifically for AVRO students and are as follows:
International Travel: 2 weeks in March. Past trips included Costa Rica, Thailand, Cambodia and Ecuador.
AVRO offers personalized 1:1 student-teacher ration tutoring lessons. Lessons are designed for each individual student and paced according to the student’s progress. Tutoring is available for English, Math, and the Sciences. If your student is struggling with math, or perhaps they just want to improve their grade, our personalized math tutors are the answer. There’s no such thing as "I’m bad at math" - studies show that while individual talent may play a role in the early grades, it is practice and a positive attitude that makes a good math student. Everyone can do math!