AVRO COVID-19 Policy
The health and well-being of our school community is our number one priority. We believe this is a shared responsibility and that we all have an important role to play in keeping ourselves and our community safe.
Our staff have received double vaccinations and will continue to wear masks and practice social distancing as we have the previous year. The Ministry of Education has let us know that we are to provide in class instruction, and monitor changes, and shift to online learning, if need be. For this reason we are asking for students who plan to attend school in-person, receive double vaccination.
We require staff, faculty, and students to present weekly negative rapid COVID-19 test results in order to access classes and activities. Any individuals who present proof of double vaccination will be exempt from weekly testing.
The following Ministry guidance will be implemented.
All staff and students must self-screen every day before attending school. AVRO will provide parents, or students, with a checklist to perform daily screening before arriving at school. Any student found to be unwell or with fever will be sent home and a negative Covid test will be required to return to class.
Students in Grades 9 to 12 are required to wear properly fitted, non-medical or cloth masks indoors in school, including in common areas and during classes.
Appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette are among the most important protective strategies. Schools should train students on appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, including the use of alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR), and reinforce its use.
Social distancing as much as possible between students, students and staff and between staff members should always be promoted.
Visitors to a school are required to sign-in, self-screen and wear a mask.
We have several standalone medical-grade air purifiers in school. From Surgically Clean Air, the JADE system works to surgically clean, purify, and remove almost 100% of air pollutants, viruses, bacteria, and fungus that can be present in indoor air.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.