AVRO’s educational approach is based on the understanding that helping students learn how they fit into the natural world is a process in itself. And so, we divide this way of understanding into four main areas of exploration: Physical , Intellectual, Emotional, and Environmental which we expand on through every grade.
Grade Nine Physical:
Grade Nine is foundational for any student entering high school, as it is where students will begin to learn and achieve all necessary skills for success. In our grade nine program, we focus on orienting the student on understanding what the high school journey is about. For example, course structure, work habits and skills development (e.g. skills they have and skills they need to improve on). In addition, students will learn about basic environmental concerns, risks, and factors, while understanding the physical world.
Grade Ten Thinking:
In our Grade Ten program, we focus on thinking skills. In more detail we look at critical thinking and apply it to everyday life. Grade 10 is a time to improve academic skills that students began to work on in grade 9. Here, we allow students to build upon their identities and thinking habits. In addition, students begin to think about their place in history (e.g. thinking about how they got to this certain point and where society is going), and the impact they want to leave on the future. AVRO helps students understand their own learning style (e.g. visual, auditory, tactical, etc).
Grade Eleven Emotional:
In our Grade Eleven program, we focus on building relationships with family, friends, teachers, peers, and the outside world. More specifically, students begin to recognize how they relate to other people. The senior level courses become ‘deepened’, depending on what students are interested in (e.g. biology, philosophy, etc). This allows students to become aware of what they feel passionate about and their personal style of doing things. In addition, students begin to find places in the world they attune to and identify with.
Grade Twelve Environmental:
In our Grade Twelve program, students clarify their thinking and put the pieces of what they want to do together. They understand and solidify how their ideas and processes connect with one another (e.g. planning post secondary studies, working, taking time off, traveling, volunteering, etc). As our Grade Twelve students leave AVRO, they leave with a sense of interconnectedness. They understand that all things live in relation to one another, and everything on earth is connected.
We are committed to helping our students and their parents choose intelligent means of transportation for ourselves, and our planet. We believe that personal-powered transportation is the least carbon intensive form of transportation, followed by public transit, and that in the short term, rewarding students for their choices is a good ecological decision. We are also committed to healthy lifestyles and believe that using human powered forms of transportation are not only good for the environment, but also good for our holistic well-being.
As an incentive, this program allocates a dollar amount to for students and staff who travel to school in an ecologically minded fashion. Students or staff who walk, roller-blade, skateboard, or bike to school will receive $3 per day. Students who take public transportation will receive $1 per day and if that individual chooses to include a minimum 1-kilometer walk, or ride as part of their commute they will receive $3 per day.
HOW IT WORKS: Each month students and staff complete a form indicating their mode of transportation to and from school. At month's end the student amounts are calculated and payment is distributed according to our monthly carbon budget.
Get to school without burning fossil fuels and get paid for it! Regular exercise has a positive impact on your memory, thinking skills, and mood. You’ll be keeping CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere and get your heart pumping at the same time.
HOW IT WORKS: Bike, walk, or skateboard to school and receive $3 each day.
Did you know that tap water safety is regulated more than bottled water? Did you know that a water bottle quarter-filled with oil, represents the same amount of oil needed to produce the plastic water bottle! You can hydrate your body while keeping oil in the ground and avoid the concerns about plastic bottle chemicals leaching into the water.
HOW IT WORKS: If you can sustain four full weeks without using a plastic one-time use water bottle, or disposable coffee cup, you will receive $25.
Pre-packaged and fast food often produces a lot of waste and are usually less healthy and more expensive than homemade meals. Incorporating reusable containers keep waste out of landfills, while encouraging healthy eating habits.
HOW IT WORKS: Receive $2 for every day that you bring a lunch without any disposable components.
Meditating regularly has been shown to have many mental health benefits, including positive impacts related to learning, memory, self-awareness, and compassion.
HOW IT WORKS: Our mindfulness practice takes place for 15 minutes from 12:15 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.